Ocean Mammal Institute (OMI) has taken actions and research studies that have been instrumental in changing laws and conditions for marine mammals.
In particular, OMI has focused on underwater sound pollution. These are powerful underwater sounds that can kill whales and dolphins by causing internal bleeding from ruptured tissues, or deafness. If a mammal’s hearing is impaired this causes difficulties in navigation, feeding, communication, and mating.
1. OMI Research Study: Short-Term Impact of Vessel Traffic
on the Hawaiian Humpback Whale
Describes the effects that boats in general have on the behavior of the whales. View research study
2. OMI Research Study: The Impact of Parasail Boats on
the Hawaiian Humpback Whale
Describes the effects that parasail boats in particular have on Hawaii’s humpback whales. View Research Study
3. OMI Research Study: 5-Year Vessel Impact Study
A 5-year experimental study of the effect of boat engine noise on the humpback whales’ behavior in the Hawaiian Islands. View research study
4. OMI Research Presented at the Marine Mammal Conference in Vancouver, Canada.
View details of research study:
Research Paper: Singing Humpback Whales Associate with Mothers and Calves
5. OMI State Level Testimony helps in ban of thrillcraft
Dr. Marsha Green, the founder of OMI, has testified twice for the State of Hawaii on the impact of thrillcraft on humpback whales and was instrumental in banning their operation during whale season.
6. OMI legal action to stop effects of low-frequency active sonar on whales
OMI initiated a lawsuit against the Department of Defense, the U.S. Navy, and the Department of Commerce in an attempt to stop the Navy’s test of Low-Frequency Active Sonar (LFAS) on endangered humpback whales.
7. OMI hosts symposium to discuss Low-Frequency Active Sonar
Symposium attendees included people from environmental, scientific, and regulatory communities, as well as the ocean-related community. The goal of this event was to clarify and address the very controversial issues surrounding LFAS in order to facilitate the presentation of accurate information to both Congress and the public.
8. OMI founder lectures internationally on underwater noise pollution.
OMI’s Founder, Dr. Green traveled to Europe, visiting the European Parliament and NATO educating individuals on the dangers of high-intensity active sonars on marine mammals. She took with her a petition signed by 68 environmental organizations in the U.S., Canada, and Europe representing over 8.3 million citizens which requested the European Union adopt a moratorium on the deployment of LFAS until a global assessment of its environmental impacts can be done. Dr. Green suggested forming the European Coalition for Silent Oceans. The coalition now has 52 members, a website, and a petition against high-intensity active sonar.
9. OMI Founder, Dr. Green, appointed to Federal Advisory Committee studying acoustic impacts on marine mammals.
This committee was responsible for reporting and making recommendations to the U.S. Congress.
10. OMI Founder, Dr. Marsha Green heads North American Ocean Noise Coalition.
The IONC is a partnership of over 140 non-governmental organizations (NGOs) from around the world. It addresses the need for a global approach to combating human-generated ocean noise. Dr. Green was appointed to represent the North American region. View details of IONC
11. OMI attends the Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh Informal Consultative Process on the United Nations Convention
During each of these meetings, Dr. Green has spoken with delegates from numerous nations and presented talks on the issue of ocean noise pollution. View details